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Monday, May 06, 2013

The Secrets And Hidden Language Of Dreams: What Your Dream Guides Want You To Know

As a Gateway Dreaming Coach, certified by Denise Linn, I just loveeee to discuss the topic of dreams.  Dreams are truly a gateway into our subconscious where we can seek and receive the answers we need to the questions we have during our waking lives. Our Dream Guides, spiritual guides who help us during dream time, facilitate that adventure we have in the (what I like to call) wonderful world of dreams. 

Photo: Gateway Dreaming
What Your Dream Guides Want You To Know
I meditated and just asked, "what are some crucial points that people need to know about their dreams in order to seek and receive the answers to their most important questions?"

Yes, being specific is key when asking the Universe/Angels/Dream Guides and so forth for knowledge because they can give you the best answers!

Three crucial points came to mind:
  • Dreams matter- The more you take dreams seriously; the better you will understand the symbolism that takes place
  • Don't just accept one meaning of a character, an object, a colour, etc. in a dream 
  • No, you will not die in real life because you died in a dream; however an aspect of you is no more
Seems cryptic, huh? Well, dreams, for the most part, are cryptic.  That is until we crack the code aka the language of dreams. The language of dreams in not English, French, or German! The language of dreams is symbolic! That is, symbols and the meaning of those symbols that resonates with you at the time of the interpretation of the dream!

Whew! What a mouth full!

Now, let's discuss, more in depth, the three crucial points your Dream Guides want you to know and to understand so you can get the answers to your questions!

Dreams matter- The more you take dreams seriously; the better you will understand the symbolism that takes place:
The statement above is not suggesting that you take dreams literally-all of the time. Remember, dreams are symbolic in meaning.  In stead, the statement is referring to when we entertain the thought of dreaming, and the endless possibilities our dreams can offer us, we begin to have those important dreams that will provide us with the answers we seek.  

For example, don't go to sleep frustrated because you just can't seem to figure out your life and hope that some dream will take place giving you the lotto numbers so you can just live the 'good life'.  You won't reap the most benefit from your dreams that way. 

What you want to do is change the energy from negative to positive by setting (daily) intentions for your dreams to provide answers on what steps you should take next to improve your life! Now, that's taking a dream seriously! As a result, you will receive symbols that will clue you in on what actions to take next!

Don't just accept one meaning of a character, an object, a colour, etc. in a dream:
Maybe you were taught that seeing a snake in your dreams is a sign of evil or that the color red means something sinful. While those meanings may be true for some people in certain cultures, it may not be true for you.  Keep in mind that an object in your dream can and does have multiple meanings.  It is up to you to ascertain which meaning applies to your situation and you can do this by reading multiple dream dictionaries.  

No, you will not die in real life because you died in a dream; however an aspect of you is no more:
This is a major concern of people-dying in a dream. In fact dying in a dream is pretty high on the list of common dream events, along with being nude in front of a group of people or falling from a cliff. 

A reason why it is so common for people to dream of their death is because an aspect of them is no more. Something, not someone is dead.  We grow (and dare I write 'outgrow') and we change as we get older. Maybe you used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and before you quit smoking, you had a dream that you were buried with a pack of cigarettes in your hands. This would be the symbolic meaning of the death of a habit. 

Don't overwhelm yourself with what may seem as something negative in a dream. Once you understand the language, understanding your dreams becomes easier!

Challenge Time!

While I provided you with a few tips that your Dream Guides wanted you to know, what are some of the things you would like to know about your dreams? What's your method for understanding dreams?  Please state below so we can keep the learning experience going!

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1 comment:

  1. Dreams are fascinating, and from personal experience I know how powerful their symbolism is, especially when you go through difficult times.
    Great article!
