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About Tia!

I am a  Reiki Practitioner, a Gateway Dreaming â„¢Coach, certified by Denise Linn, an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, certified by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and a Certified Crystal Healer, certified by Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from La Salle University. I have been dealing with all things metaphysical since I was a child, but never knew what 'it' was called. I love discussing and interpreting dreams and symbols, working with crystals, angels, goddesses and other divine beings. I also love to help people solve/heal problems. I love meditating and with crystals, amethyst in particular.  If you listen to my radio show, then you know I love to LAUGH!!! LOL Several of my stories have been published in Doreen Virtue's books and I am from Philadelphia, PA.