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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Emotional Earthquakes

Yesterday, while at work, I experienced an earthquake.  It wasn't too serious (5.8); it felt like mild turbalance while on an airplane.  I just continued to work.  Actually, I thought it was my co-worker up to his usual tricks and was just shaking my chair while I was 'in the zone' typing.  I turned to my right and didn't see anyone.  I turned to my left and didn't see anyone.  After that I realized it was an earthquake.

So many people (myself included) made the 'earthquake experience' their facebook status.  Nothing major actually happened on our end as opposed to the other states south of Pennsylvania...meaning no documents fell from the cabinets, no windows shattered, I don't recall hearing about anyone suffering from injuries on the news, etc.  However, what I did find interesting was how something, which was relatively minor, had such a big impact on people.

The story above relates to the title of my blog because earthquakes literaly 'shake things up' whether we are prepared for it or not.  According to Wikipedia, an earthquake is a result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.   Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the earth.  Therefore, if we were to make Earth a human who had an earthquake it would probably be similar to an adult having an outburst or a child having a temper tantrum...emotional overload building up and coming pass the surface.

When we bury our emotions, don't commuicate our thoughts, constantly put people needs before our own and so forth, eventually an 'event' will happen in which things will be 'shaken up'.  For example, imagine that you are at work talking to a co-worker about finding a solution to a project and another co-worker invites his self in the conversation and cuts you off while you are talking.  Annoyed? Of course; you were talking.  Will you say something this time? Maybe. Maybe not.  Then it happens again when you are talking but this time your boss cuts you off mid sentence.  And, once more on the same day another person cuts you off while you are talking.  Mad? Sure. You say something? More like you yelled or said how you felt in a very curt tone.

My point is, in that example above, there was a need to commuincate to each person who interrupted  you while you were talking that they will have to wait their turn because you were not done conveying your thoughts about the project to your co-worker.  Thus, that energy was building up to a point where eventually you had to say or do something because enough was enough.   We have to release that energy overload.  Like the earthquake, people will be able to feel your intentions and probably become a little shooken up by your reaction to their, most likely, oblivious actions.  Nevertheless, it impacted them and the next time that person thinks about joining in on your conversation he or she will reconsider.   

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